Welcome to Science!
Watch for short videos and easy to do home EXPERIMENTS. Mr. Hilkey--
[:{b May 29th Friday-- LAST day of class. First thing -- you are the greatest group of students. You have been a delight to teach and live through a HISTORIC event as we have done this past 10 weeks. You and I will always talk about, share our feelings and experiences since March 13, 2020.
I have truly enjoyed teaching you and I hope you learned something. Most of all, I hope you have learned a great appreciation of science.
I have truly enjoyed teaching you and I hope you learned something. Most of all, I hope you have learned a great appreciation of science.
So lets get started, GO TO Clever then to Google Classroom. I really want you to watch the SPACE X launch tomorrow (Saturday May30) and take the final exam on Google Classroom Today. I believe you will find this final useful.
Finally, I hope to see you in the Fall, hh
((:^{ Thursday May 28th Final lab to close out Sustainability.
Go To CLEVER then GO TO Google Classroom. Today is the last lesson day so jump on this assignment with rigor, vigor and enthusiasm. Tomorrow is our Final exam. I believe you will find it interesting. hh
(:{D Wednesday esri day May 27th
This is our last esri day. so do your best and answer all the questions on Google Classroom.. GO TO CLEVER then GO TO Google Classroom.
Since 1790 the United States has taken a count to determine actually how many people populate this great country. It has always been considered a big undertaking, no difference today. Money from the Federal Government, State Government and grants for free money often is based on the number of people reported by the census.
So let's get started.GO TO CLEVER then GO TO Google Classroom.
So let's get started.GO TO CLEVER then GO TO Google Classroom.
{:>o} Tuesday May 26 This is the last week of assignments and this one is going to be especially fun. So let's get started. GO TO CLEVER, then GO TO Google Classroom and report what you discoverd in a Google Classroom doc. Watch the Video on observing squirrel's in the back yard. Then when you have finished watching all the video you will prompted to observe something in your back yard or near your home. GEt your cell phones, and use a new app.
38^ o Friday May 22 The SJLA NEWS needs a video or photo to your DNA lab. Today and over the long weekend I really need you to do the DNA lab, video or photo it and send it in to myself or Ms. Horne. If you do not know what the DNA lab is go to yesterday's assignment and watch the two videos and collect bottles or cups to do the lab. Good Luck, SJLA NEWS needs your help. So GO TO CLEVER then GO TO Google Classroom and send in those photos.
(:^o> Thursday DNA lab day You probably know DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is an amazing long molecule that has every physical trait you posses. Today you are going to extract your own personal DNA. Please do not clone your self, I like you just the way you are. GO TO CLEVER then Google Classroom and conduct a lab today and over the long week end.
{(:^) Wednesday May 20-- esri Day Using CLEVER go to Classroom and enjoy a virtual ride on a Sea World Roller Coaster. Then finish up our lessons on agriculture and Sustainability with an esri map on land usage for agriculture.
Tomorrow we have a new lab to do at home with your DNA extraction. Later gator.
(8^ ) Tuesday May 19 2020 Great Video yesterday, so today we go back and explain what we saw. Go TO CLEVER the GO TO Google Classroom and do a little research and explain how aeroponics works. Thanks for all the participation Yesterday, let's do it again today.
The contest for most participating is going to end in a couple of weeks so get your classmates to log on to CLEVER. thanks,Mr. Hilkey
*[:o) MONDAY May18 Special video today from Colonel Sick. GO TO CLEVER then to Google Classroom.
The contest for most participating is going to end in a couple of weeks so get your classmates to log on to CLEVER. thanks,Mr. Hilkey
(:o> Friday TGIF HOOHA So its Friday, GO TO CLEVER and follow the trail to Google Classroom for a fun video on a bulldog. Then GO TO STEMscope and take a five item multiple choice quiz. Monday we will have a special guest speaker -- The Colonel. Next week (changed from Monday) we will have a LAB to extract your personal DNA. Contest is still on and the First period Girls are still in the lead come on Periods 3,4 and 5 get with it dudes and dudettes. hh
{3^ ) Thursday May 14, Today we go revisit an old friend in STEMscope. Please log on thru CLEVER. Go to Google Classroom and watch as the STEMscope lady walks you through a lesson on Surviving and Sustainability. The Contest is still running for 30 Goodie bags for everyone in the class that works the Clever and Google Classroom log-ons. So get with it.
Next Week (was Monday but changed) we will do a LAB to extract your personal DNA. Stay tuned and stay tuned-in.
*|:^ ) Wednesday, today May 13th, the Web site was not working, So go to CLEAVER anyway and log on through Clever. Then go to GC and get caught up, thanks. Next Monday we will do a DNA LAB, no cloning of little brother or sister, you hear ?
(; ^) Tuesday May 12 If you missed the lab yesterday go back to Monday's LAB about planting our kitchen clippings with roots in a specil aquifer like planter. The videos have been listed below in "videos" Then Google Classroom has today's visit to our new textbook in McGraw Hill. Now go to Google Classroom and answer the questions in a Google Classroom.
(:^{ Monday May 11th 2020 LAB today. We are going to make a water saving Aquifer Garden.
New video of Mr. Hilkey planting the kitchen clippings in special homemade aquifer style planters.
So bop and hop on over to Google Classroom and lets get started.
*/8^> Friday May 8th TGIF HOOAH ! !
Please refresh the water in your root grafts so we can plant them next week.
Then go to Google Classroom watch a fun video on microwave ovens and read about the California Delta in your new text book at McGraw Hill.
(8^{0 THURSDAY May 7, 2020
I have not received photos or videos form many of you of your garden or start of your garden, lets get it done gang.
Period ONE GIRLS are ahead with the number of Google Classroom responses.
Today we are going back to Sea World and study Polar Bears.
I need a one paragraph response from each of you.
See you back at Google Classroom and watch a funny video on a orangutan.
o[ :^) Wednesday esri Day First go to Goggle Classroom and watch an updated video on Sweet potatoes in our two week long lab.
Then return to CDC's web site and go on a special assignment and look at YOUR total score in the lower right corner along with the special knowledge tab.
Contest for participation on Goggle Classroom is running hot and heavy. Get a classmate to jump in. Beat the First Period Class NOW.
{;^{o TUESDAY May 5th Let's go to Sea World First for those of you that did not start your LAB yesterday on planting kitchen
scraps go back to Monday May 4th and start your garden. We will use it later.
Then continue to Google Classroom and follow the link to Sea World. We will be visiting the Sea World content quite a bit in the next month.
{:= {o MONDAY May 4th LAB DAY Today we start a lab that will last two weeks.
Watch the video of your fav sci teacher on Google Classroom.
Have an adult or guardian help cut a few veggies for lunch or dinner and save the clippings.
We will restart these clippings and in a week or two plan them in soil or plant them without soil.
Watch the video, start the lab at home and photo or run a video and send it in. You will be on SJLA NEWS !!
Contest is still running First Period GIRLS are slightly ahead. See ya later, Mr. Hilkey
{;o > TGIF HOOAH FRIDAY MAY 1st How are we doing, lets see with this 5 question quiz.
Go to Google Classroom and that will take you to your on-line textbook for 5 questions
to see if you have been awake in class. COOL
Contest is doing great, check with your classmates to get more points for your class.
(( 8{o Thursday April 30 Lets go skateboarding in Boulder Colorado.
Waiting for you on Google Classroom is a very cool skateboarding game.
You get to make your own skate park, measure speed and gravity.
This is a fun game and a good time to check on other classmates to help your CLASS Period win the GOODIE bag from the Hilkster.
[:{b WEDNESDAY HUMP DAY and DAY THREE of the Greatest contest ever= a bog of GOODIES from the Hilkster.
Lets take a look at Malaria. Some treatments and medicines we are looking to to stop Coronavirius have been used for years to fight malaria. So let's get to it and GoTo Google Classroom and lets jump over to esri's GIS maps.
{:D Tuesday April 28th 2020
CONTEST DAY TWO The class with the greatest participation on Google Classroom gets a
GOODIE BAG filled with your favorite treats from the Hilkster when we all get back together this Fall.
TODAY we are going to program a VEX Robot that will appear on you monitor screen.
Go TO GC and start programming.
Watch a couple of the tutorials appearing in the upper left side under
---You guessed it 'tutorials'
(;}o] Monday April 27th 2020 CONTEST starts tooooday, yes toooday.
The class with the greatest participation on Google Classroom gets a
GOODIE BAG filled with your favorite treats from the Hilkster when we all get back together this Fall. I promise.%%%%%
Each and every member of your class will get a bag so please get the others in your class to step-up and
Today's Lesson is on GC. Wake up to this playful panda cub video is on GC. I want a panda cub !!! Now lets get to work!!
NOW go to Google Classroom and watch the video from PBS Minnesota called "CURIOUS CREW" I think you will enjoy and learn at the same time.
It is 28 minutes long, so watch the whole video and choose to do just ONE of the LABS, send it to me here on Google Classroom and YOU will be on SJLA NEWS.
NOW go to Google Classroom and watch the video from PBS Minnesota called "CURIOUS CREW" I think you will enjoy and learn at the same time.
It is 28 minutes long, so watch the whole video and choose to do just ONE of the LABS, send it to me here on Google Classroom and YOU will be on SJLA NEWS.
$;/*\) Friday April 24th TGIF HOOAH ! ! LAB today, go to Google Classroom and get directed to McGraw Hilk to to a simple but thought provoking LAB.
Winners That beat the virus, saved the World and worked to level 2 are:
Period 1 GIRLS: FIRST PLACE Kristin Hendrix, HOOAH, Emilia Emery, Aubrey Morgan Jellie Peel, Alonineahyh Robinson (Birthday gal)
Period 3 Boys: Gabriel Jamie, Vicente Martinez, Isaiah Miranda
Period 4 Boys: Ethan Flores, Carlos Padilla, Aidan Sanchez, Jasem Moore-Lacy
Period 5 Girls: Paulena Gallegos, Chloe Ibara, Brianna Nunez
((:^} THURSDAY April 23 Beat the Disease !! Everyone did this same GAME a few weeks ago but NO ONE was able to reach the second level 2.
So here is your challenge for today-- who can beat the diseases on Level 1 and get promoted to Level 2?
Go to Google Classroom and report the Level you were able to accomplish.
Can you cut it?? This is the Official site for CDC (Center for Disease Conrail). Try it you will enjoy the realistic experience.
Can you cut it?? This is the Official site for CDC (Center for Disease Conrail). Try it you will enjoy the realistic experience.
{:*) WEDNESDAY April 22 "Hey Kids What Time Is It" This famous opening phrase for a TV show in the 1950's for children was from what TV show?
It was NOT "esri Wednesday" but look it up for extra credit and a Dum Dum sucker.
Today's esri adventure is about a virus that spread many years ago.
It was NOT "esri Wednesday" but look it up for extra credit and a Dum Dum sucker.
Today's esri adventure is about a virus that spread many years ago.
As before this works best if you can print out the questions first or if you have two monitors or two Chromebooks. Submit your answers to me on Google Classroom.
Please do not copy and paste, the font will give you away, Good Luck. hh
TUESDAY Video April 21 Good Morning, welcome back from Spring Break.
Because it is Alonineayh Robinson's birthday she will lead us through a video under the assigned name of "Mosa the Scientist"
Let's all meet up at Google Classroom and follow Alonineayh for a virtual tour.
Monday AFTER Spring Break April 20 Hope you had a enjoyable Spring Break. Just to get going again go to Google Classroom and
look a few pages of a textbook we are considering.
Play with the pages 6 thru 15 and tell your classmates your opinions. A full week of puzzles. thanks, Mr. Hilkey
Friday Last Day of Spring Break April 17 Today's Puzzle and yesterday's ansker are on Google Classroom. Go for it,hh
Thursday Spring Break April 16 Puzzle plus a special today, funny video how dogs survive staying home.
I think you will like it. GO TO Google Classroom for puzzle and answers from yesterday. enjoy, Mr. Hilkey
Wednesday Spring Break Puzzle April 15 Today's puzzle and a video, just for fun, are waiting for you on Google Classroom
Tuesday April 14th You have been working way too hard, so here take a video break.
Spring Break Tuesday puzzkle April 14 2020 Go TO Google Classroom, there is a new puzzkel waiting for you and anskers to Monday's puzzkel.
Spring Break Monday puzzle. April 13th Try this challenge.
Go to Google Classroom and print out the puzzle. Answers will be posted tomorrow.
(:^>> Friday April 10th TGIF HOOAH ! ! Today I need your help. Please take a look at the McGraw Hilk text book.
We used it twice before so you will recognize the path. GO TO Clever, GO TO McGraw Hilk, GO TO UNIT 3 "Earth's Resources".
There is an assignment waiting for you. Study the content on your Chromebook.
Then I need your personal opinion on Google Classroom on both the Good and the Bad.
[>:o Thursday April 9 The founder of McDonald's said PERSISTENCE was always the key to his success.
I have reset the links to the esri ZOO and MAPMAN Comic book. Please try it again. thanks. hh
So lets try this. Follow these links and then go to Google Classroom and demonstrate what you did or explain what worked for you. thanks
The ZOO is here, then click on the PDF icon: https://education.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=b05006a55f5a490d84ec4a3ebab93bbb
The Comic book is here, down load then open after you down load OR when you go to Google Classroom I have attached the file by itself:
};{o WEDNESDAY April 8 If its Wednesday what do we love to study boys and girls? Of course esri.
This one is a little different and more kid friendly that the maps we manipulated in the classroom. It is about designing a ZOO.
The link to the ZOO map is half way down the first page or the following:
The ZOO is here: https://education.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=b05006a55f5a490d84ec4a3ebab93bbb
As in the past assignment it will be easier if you can print out the instructions first or if you have two monitors or two Chromebooks or maybe even two computers.
You will need to follow the typed out directions to get the most from this assignment.
NOW GO TO Google Classroom and present your perfect ZOO. This link is crazy so it is not working let me know right a way. hh
{:>} Tuesday April 7 NOW Hold on and check out how many Urth quakes happened TODAY in your back yard. Seriously look at this special group I put together for you.
This are just small earthquakes in the past few days.. When I told you all that you live in an erea with more earthquakes than anyone (except Geysers, California --man made) I was serious.
Now go to Google Classroom and relate to your classmates what you see. Where most quakes are A) at the SOUTH END of the famous San Andres Fault Zone or
B) on our own San Jacinto Fault Zone. Explain your answer. Do it today, like NOW. thanks. hh
: } Monday April 6 Earth Quakes Oh My, Oh MY -- Was Friday's earthquakes a "Cluster" of Quakes?
Today you can use your GIS (geographic information system) skills on the USGS (United States Geological Survey) map. https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/
YOU are to go to Google Classroom and tell your classmates what YOU understand about the term "Earthquake Cluster."
Tell us YOUR opinion and tell YOUR CLASSMATES if you think it was a cluster, swarm or just a small group of earth quakes?
A) FIRST go to this web site https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/
B )With the GIS skills you learned locate the group of earthquakes that happened Friday April 3rd, Zoom in to Southern California, Click on the SETTINGS icon in the upper right corner and pull the task bar down toward the bottom to MAP LAYERS,
then click on STREET Layer or SATELLITE Layer so the map will make more sense.
C) Notice these quakes are NOT on the SOUTHERN end of the famous San Andres Fault Zone but are RIGHT UNDER YOUR BACK YARD on the San Jacinto Fault Zone.
TV coverage from last year in Northern CA. https://abc7news.com/earthquake-research-california-today-now/5481887/
D) Cluster of earth quakes is a small group of quakes that MAY be a "pre-shock" of a big one or else can be "aftershocks" after a big quake.
E) The other possibility is a "swarm of quakes" which is associated with a warning of a coming volcano. You know we live on a TRANSFORM boundary so we have NO volcanoes so this is definitely not a "swarm of quakes."
Now go to Google Classroom and explain was this just a few random quakes, a cluster of quakes or a swarm of Urthquakes? See you there. hh
SPECIAL EDITION COMING Monday, Was it a cluster of Urth quyakes in Anza Friday? What does 'cluster' really mean in Geological Circles? Think, think, think --- back to the Kinetic Sand Demo below.
Evidence the San Jacinto Fault Zone is really the mover and shaker NOT the SOUTH end of the Famous San Andreas Fault Zone? Answers Monday.
;) FRIDAY April 3 TGIF HOOAH !!!
I know its not esri Wednesday but log on to esri and follow the instructions. It would be easier if you could print the questions out and then play with the GIS (geographic information system) map OR
have two monitors OR two Chromebooks OR two computers next to each other. You are smart I am confident you will conquer this challenge. Ansker the questions or comment about Urph in Google Classroom. hh
:) APRIL 2 Just for the fun of it.
If this Lyer Bird listened to you and/or your friends, what sounds would it repeat and are you OK with that. Watch this video , which is amazing, and go to Google Classroom and talk to you classmates
If this Lyer Bird listened to you and/or your friends, what sounds would it repeat and are you OK with that. Watch this video , which is amazing, and go to Google Classroom and talk to you classmates
about your thoughts on what the LYRA BIRD would repeat after listening to you?
Also ask the deeper question of what use does such talent keep the species of Lyra Birds doing so well in evolution of Urth? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSB71jNq-yQ&feature=youtu.be
or same video https://youtu.be/mSB71jNq-yQ
Also ask the deeper question of what use does such talent keep the species of Lyra Birds doing so well in evolution of Urth? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSB71jNq-yQ&feature=youtu.be
or same video https://youtu.be/mSB71jNq-yQ
}) APRIL 1 (April Fools Day ) The link enclosed is to the CDC (US Govt Center for Disease Control) game is super so lets give it another go. I want to CHALLENGE YOU to a match of Infectious Disease Detective.
GO TO the CDC game site. Start with "the Queens Killer" (the third outbreak) in which I scored a cool 1000 points THEN go to "Midterm Revenge" which is the last outbreak. Mr. Hilkey scored a whopping 1500.
Bring-it-on or GO HOME .... ooppps you are home. Report your success on Google Classroom and tell me which outbreak is most like the Coronavirus?
Try it, try it now, yes try it now.
Back to Geology (Geo = Earth + ology = study)
3) MARCH 30 Watch this short video on Glaciers and then go to Google Classroom and discuss the loss of most all glaciers will effect you and I if at all? You may chat among other students, keep it nice, OK?
;) MARCH 29 This is an official CDC (US Govt Center for Disease Control) game. This will relieve stress to be a part of understanding and controlling the disease and location you pick.
Try it, try it now, yes try it now.
8^') MARCH 27 Weekly winners in a Digital Art Contest. Enter your art work and win $25 to $75 prizes. Sponsored by the Riverside County Office of Education. Make a sculpture and photograph it, send in pencil sketches,
oils or water colors. Every week submit something, win the big bucks and surely you will share your winnings with Mr. Hilkey? Here is your passage way to richness: rcoe.us/art-connect/ .
<->) MARCH 27 To avoid germs and viruses watch how easy it is to spread germs and viruses. this is a very good (except for the commercials) demonstration and kid friendly method to demonstrate germ/ virus spreading. hh
B:) MARCH 24th First experiment I want you to try. It is about Glaciers (massive ice that builds up and survives or at least one to as millions of years).. The video is first production and quality will be improved as we do more.
Get out the RED CARPET .here come Mr. Hilkey and his dogs.
Do the lab and send me photo or video of cadets in their school uniform, YES in your school uniform, and I will try to publish it here; cool? hh
Next Day Andrick took on the challenge. Notice the school uniform, pretty classy stuff here. Thanks Andrick. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aG6NIOZoP6m0xEUYN9gPq4t85pGEVf9H/view?usp=sharing
This is an good start to attack the virus from home.
;) MARCH 23 Use GIS that you learned in class and go to this esri and John Hopkins web site. NOT an assignment NOT extra credit NOT even a candy sucker will you receive. Watch this video on germs and viruses
:) MARCH 13th This is the video of the San Jacinto Fault ZONE demonstration we did in class. Notice the Famous San Andres Fault Zone is not moving because it is not over the main TRANSFORM boundary. The San Jacinto Fault Zone is over the
TRANSFORM break in the Urth (or is it Earph or Urph or Earth).