Concurrent Enrollment @ MSJC
How to Waive Fees
*The Concurrent Enrollment Process for the Spring 2023 semester has begun. The submission deadline is November 30, 2023. Click Here to access the Concurrent Enrollment School/Parent agreement.
Concurrent Enrollment
San Jacinto Unified School District students who enroll in concurrent enrollment courses will be allowed to receive the following high school credit. Prior to enrolling, the students must complete the concurrent enrollment process. This includes completing the matriculation process for MSJC (application, orientation) and completing the Student-Parent Agreement Form each semester, which requires the Principal's authorization.
High school courses cannot be dropped without proof of enrollment into the MSJC course or transcript from MSJC. Ten high school credits will be awarded for each 3 or more unit courses. Only classes that are UC/CSU transferable will be weighted. Non-transferable courses will not be weighted.
English (ENGL) 101, 103 |
English 3 or English 4 |
Math 105, 110, 115, 135, 140, 211,212, 213, 215, 218 |
Math credit for 3rd or 4th year (does not count for geometry/Math 2 ) |
Economics 201, 202 |
Economics |
Political Science (PS) 101 |
Civics/Government |
Astronomy 101, 111; Chemistry 100,101, 102,107,112,113 Environmental Studies 100, 100H, 101, 101H Geology 100, 103, 105, 110, 111 Physics 100, 101, 102, 201, 202 |
Physical Science Credit or 3rd Year of Science Credit |
Anatomy & Physiology 101, 102 Anthropology 101, 102, 101H, 111; Biology 100, 100H, 115, 115H, 116, 117, 125, 130, 131, 134, 135, 140, 144, 146, 150, 151 |
Biological/Life Science or 3rd Year of Science Credit |
American Sign Language 100, 101 French 101,102; Spanish 101, 102, 103 101B, 201, 202 |
World Language Credit |
Art 100, 101, 102,103, 104,108, 109, 115, 120, 151, 160 Dance 100, 120, 125, 127, 133, 225; Music 100,101, 103, 106, 107, 108 Theater Arts 101 |
Visual/Performing Arts Credit |
Other MSJC Courses (3 or more credits) |
Elective credit awarded. |
Students interested in participating in the MSJC Honors Enrichment Program can find more information on
English courses as ENGL 101 are not recommended for students under the 11th grade as they will not have met the prerequisite of the course per AB 705; as taking a college English College course below the 11th grade will limit their ability to complete the 4 years of English needed to complete the requirements for A-G without having to go backwards in their English education. This is not a barrier it is to enhance their ability for success. Therefore, we will be recommending the student take other courses that will enhance their educational journey. Below are the recommendations for 9th and 10th graders. As a reminder CSCR 100 is highly recommended for all students.
ECON 201 is not recommended for students under the 12th grade. There is not a grade level for eligibility for this course but there is math prerequisite of Math 90 which could be met with AB 705 Placement after the 11th; therefore, we will be recommending the student take other courses that will enhance their educational journey.
- AJ-101 Criminal Law (3 units) Transfers to both UC/CSU
- HIST-103 World History to 1500 (3 units) Transfers to both UC/CSU IGETC GE
- AJ-102 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3 units) Transfers to both UC/CSU IGETC GE
- HIST-104 World History from 1500 (3 units) Transfers to both UC/CSU IGETC GE
- ASL-100 American Sign Language I (4 units) Transfers to both UC/CSU IGETC GE
- MUS-100 Introduction and Appreciation of Music (3 units) Transfers to both UC/CSU IGETC GE
- ART-100 Art Appreciation (3 units) Transfers to both UC/CSU IGETC GE
- MUS-107 Introduction and Appreciation of American Music (3 units) Transfers to both UC/CSU IGETC GE
- CSCR 100- College Success and Career Readiness (3 units) Transfers to both UC/CSU CSU General Education Only
- MUS 108-History of Jazz and Blues (3 units) Transfers to both UC/CSU IGETC GE
- DAN-100 History and Appreciation of Dance (3 units) Transfers to both UC/CSU IGETC GE
- NUTR 101-Introduction to Nutrition Science Transfer to CSU only
- GEOG-101 Physical Geography (3 units) NON-STEM science course Transfers to both UC/CSU
- SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I (4 units) Transfers to both UC/CSU IGETC GE
- HS-121 Fundamentals of Healthful Living (3 units) Transfers to both UC/CSU CSU General Education Only
- THA-101 Introduction to Theater (3 units) Transfers to both UC/CSU IGETC GE
- One of our local high school partners shared a video on how to opt out of these fees. You may view it here: